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November 14, 2019 / News


December 31, 2020


Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion

COVID -19 Information Disclosure

CBT Technology Institute has been awarded funding from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) authorized by the recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. To comply with federal requirements for the grant the institution is disclosing the following information:

    1. The institution acknowledges that it has signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Certification Agreement for funding.
    2. CBT Technology Institute has received $613,640.00 from the U.S. Department of Education – Institutional Portion
    3. Refer to HERE for Complete Report as of 12/31/2020.


October 29, 2020


Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion

COVID -19 Information Disclosure

CBT Technology Institute has been awarded funding from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) authorized by the recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. To comply with federal requirements for the grant the institution is disclosing the following information:

      1. The institution acknowledges that it has signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Certification Agreement for funding.
      2. CBT Technology Institute has received $613,640.00 from the U.S. Department of Education – Institutional Portion
      3. Refer to HERE for Complete Report as of 9/30/2020.


September 30, 2020



COVID -19 Funding Disclosure

CBT Technology Institute has been awarded funding from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) authorized by the recent Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. To comply with federal requirements for the grant the institution is disclosing the following information:

        1. The institution acknowledges that it has signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Certification Agreement for funding.
        2. CBT Technology Institute has received $613,640.00 from the U. S. Department of Education. This amount is for locations Cutler Bay, Flagler, and Hialeah.
        3. As of May 22, 2020 to comply with the 30 day reporting requirement the institution has distributed emergency grant funds to students under Section 18004(a)(1) in the amount of:

1. $89,875 in emergency aid was disbursed for Cutler Bay location.
2. $257,931.06 in emergency aid was disbursed for Flagler Bay location
3. $265,833.36 in emergency aid was disbursed for Hialeah location

        1. As of May 7, 2020 the institution had 390 eligible students at Cutler Bay, Flagler, and Hialeah locations. All eligible students were sent by mail emergency grant checks under Section 18004(a)(1).
        2. The Department of Education defined eligible students as students who had a disruption in their education due to the COVID 19 pandemic. International students, undocumented students, and students who enrolled prior to March 13, 2020 in an online program were not eligible for funding from this grant. Only students who were eligible to receive financial aid funding were eligible for the emergency grant.
        3. The institution awarded emergency grant funds to students based upon the primary EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) which is generated from the completed 2019-20 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Every student who met the Department of Education’s eligibility requirements for funding have been issued and mailed a check.
        4. Enclosed with the check was a notice to students that by accepting the check students were agreeing to use the funds for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Eligible expenses can include food, housing, course materials, technology and other expenses included in a student’s cost of attendance.

Students were asked to update their address. They were also advised on the notice if any student has a question regarding the funds, please contact the financial aid office at your campus.

April 27, 2020

Disclosure Regarding Temporary Approval of Distance Education

Students who enroll in a course that is currently being delivered via virtual synchronous delivery are reminded that this will only last through the temporary approval provided by the Florida Commission on Independent Education. The virtual synchronous portion of the program will cease, likely during the time you are participating in the program. When the temporary approval ends, the remainder of the program will revert to in-person teaching on campus.
Current/active students who have moved from the on-campus, in-person teaching format to temporary virtual synchronous format for their courses are reminded their courses will return to on-campus format once the temporary approval ends.

Please contact your campus location if you have any questions or concerns.

MARCH 23, 2020

Dear Student;

In a Press Release, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced all borrowers with qualifying loans would automatically have their interest rate set to 0% for at least 60 days from March 13, 2020, and
added that they would be able to halt payments on their loans for at least two months by requesting an Administrative Forbearance through their loan servicer. Borrowers that choose to forgo asking
for an Administrative Forbearance would not see a reduction in monthly payments. Rather, the full payment would be applied toward the principal balance of the loan.

Please call your loan servicer, or apply on line.


Maria Gomez
Loan Default Management Officer
A: 19151 South Dixie Highway, Cutler Bay, FL 33157
P: 786-693-8844 Ext. 134 D: 786-693-8827 F: 305-238-2302
E: maria.gomez@cbt.edu

MARCH 23, 2020

Dear Student;

In a Press Release, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced all borrowers with qualifying loans would automatically have their interest rate set to 0% for at least 60 days from March 13, 2020, and
added that they would be able to halt payments on their loans for at least two months by requesting an Administrative Forbearance through their loan servicer. Borrowers that choose to forgo asking
for an Administrative Forbearance would not see a reduction in monthly payments. Rather, the full payment would be applied toward the principal balance of the loan.

Please call your loan servicer, or apply on line.


Maria Gomez
Loan Default Management Officer
A: 19151 South Dixie Highway, Cutler Bay, FL 33157
P: 786-693-8844 Ext. 134 D: 786-693-8827 F: 305-238-2302
E: maria.gomez@cbt.edu

MARCH 23, 2020

Querido Estudiante;

En un comunicado de prensa, la Secretaria de Educación Betsy DeVos anunció que todos los estudiantes pasado o actuales con préstamos calificados tendrían automáticamente su tasa de interés establecida en 0% durante como mínimo 60 días a partir del 13 de Marzo de 2020, y agregó que podrían detener los pagos de sus préstamos al menos dos meses solicitando una Indulgencia Administrative (Forbearance) a través de la agencia que administra sus préstamos. Los estudiantes que optan por no pedir Este “Forbearance” o sea Indulgencia Administrativa No Verían una reducción en los pagos mensuales. Más bien, el pago total se aplicaría al saldo principal Del préstamo.


Llame a su entidad administradora de sus préstamos o solicite en línea.


Maria Gomez
Loan Default Management Officer
A: 19151 South Dixie Highway, Cutler Bay, FL 33157
P: 786-693-8844 Ext. 134 D: 786-693-8827 F: 305-238-2302
E: maria.gomez@cbt.edu

MARCH 19, 2020

Dear Student;

As you are all aware, everyday more schools are transitioning to the distance education model as a way to prevent the spread of the virus. Safety and the wellbeing of everyone is of utmost importance, so we wanted to share the steps we are taking in response to coronavirus (CORVID-19).

  • With information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and following the local authorities’ guidelines, we are developing preventative measures to maintain a clean, healthy environment in our locations. This included a deep cleaning of all classrooms.
  • The immediate plan is to transition our on ground delivery method to an online educational model, for which your instructors are preparing intensively.
  • In the coming days, your instructors will contact you via email or phone, and they will ask you to create a free GMAIL account, as the platform we will use for our classes is Google Classroom.
  • We need to know you have access to a computer and internet from home. In the event you do not have, please contact your campus immediately so we can find the best way to support your education and the continuity of your studies.
  • Please, avoid going to your campus unless it is extremely necessary. We want everyone to be safe. The training we had scheduled for next week is cancelled.

CBT Technology Institute will keep an open line of communication with you all mostly via emails and through posts in our website and social media platforms. Please, make sure you check your email daily looking for updates and visit www.cbt.edu as well.

Wishing you have an exciting experience with the new online education model, and looking forward to have you back safe and sound in our schools.


Hector Duenas
Director of Academic Operations

MARZO 19, 2020.

Querido Estudiante;

Como todos han escuchado, cada día más escuelas están haciendo la transición al modelo de instrucción a distancia, como una de las medidas para prevenir la expansión del virus. Para CBT Technology Institute tu seguridad y la de nuestros colegas es una prioridad, por lo que quisiéramos compartir con ustedes algunas de las decisiones que estamos tomando en respuesta a la situación del virus.


  • Con la información que recibimos del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), y las orientaciones de las autoridades locales, estamos tomando medidas preventivas para mantener un ambiente limpio y saludable en nuestras instalaciones. Esto incluye una limpieza profunda de todos nuestros salones.
  • El plan inmediato es hacer la transición al modelo de educación a distancia, para lo cual nuestros instructores se están preparando intensamente.
  • En los próximos días, sus instructores los van a contactar vía correo electrónico o por teléfono, y les van a orientar para que se creen una cuenta gratis de correo de GMAIL (en caso que no tengan una), ya que la plataforma digital que usaremos para las clases es Google Classroom.
  • Necesitamos saber si tienen acceso a una computadora y a internet desde su casa. En caso de que no lo tengan, por favor deben llamar a su escuela para que podamos encontrar alguna manera de ayudar a su educación y garantizar la continuidad de sus estudios.
  • Por favor, absténganse de visitar la escuela a no ser que sea por una razón de extrema necesidad. Queremos que todos se mantengan sanos y saludables. El entrenamiento que estaba planificado para la próxima semana está cancelados.

CBT Technology Institute mantendrá una línea abierta de comunicación con ustedes principalmente a través de emails y posteando información en nuestro sitio www.cbt.edu. Por favor, revisen su correo electrónico y nuestro sitio de internet para estar actualizados y bien informados.

En caso de que necesiten ayuda, por favor contacten su escuela.

Les deseo tengan una gran experiencia con nuestra escuela a distancia, que se mantengan sanos y contribuyan a evitar la propagación del coronavirus.

Hector Duenas
Director of Academic Operations


CBT Technology Institute will stop classes starting today Monday March 16, 2020. We are extending our Spring Break from today until Friday March 27, 2020. Regular academic operations including classes will resume March 30.

In the event that the situation with the virus forces CBT Technology Institute to cancel all on ground classes, we are preparing to move to a distance education model. Students will have the opportunity to receive training on the platform we choose so they become familiar with how it works. The sessions will be offered at each campus for the active students, and details will be also shared through our website (www.cbt.edu).

Students training will be delivered at each location and the schedule is detailed below:

Tuesday, March 24th @ 10AM and 6PM @ your Campus

Wednesday, March 25th @ 10AM and 6PM @ your Campus

Students are welcomed to visit CBT Technology Institute campuses for any support services during regular hours. You can also call or email your campus directors and Hector Duenas, Director of Academic Operations at any time.

It is of the essence that you keep checking our web site since it will be our main option to provide updates and keep everyone informed.

Thank you and stay safe.

CBT Technology Institute cesará sus actividades académicas a partir de hoy lunes 16 de marzo de 2020. Hemos decidido extender el receso de primavera (Spring Break) desde hoy hasta el viernes 27 de marzo de 2020. Nuestras operaciones académicas incluyendo las clases continuarán de manera regular el lunes 30 de marzo.

En caso de que la situación del COVID-19 requiera que CBT Technology Institute cancele las clases presenciales, nos estamos preparando para cambiar a un modelo de enseñanza a distancia. Los estudiantes recibirán entrenamiento en la plataforma que decidamos utilizar para que se familiaricen con su utilización.  Estas sesiones se ofrecerán en cada campus para los estudiantes y se brindarán los detalles a través de nuestra página web www.cbt.edu.

El entrenamiento para los estudiantes se realizará en su campus y los detalles están a continuación:

Martes, marzo 24 @ 10AM y 6PM en tu escuela

Miércoles, marzo 25 @ 10AM y 6PM en tu escuela

Los estudiantes son bienvenidos a visitar las escuelas a su conveniencia en horario regular en caso que necesiten alguna ayuda. También pueden llamar o enviar un correo electrónico a su director de escuela o a Hector Duenas, Director de Operaciones Académicas.

Es necesario que revisen nuestro sitio web con frecuencia para mantenerse actualizados en de cualquier cambio ya que este este sitio será nuestra manera de trasmitir información.

Muchas gracias y manténganse saludables.

Ready to Take Charge of Your Future?

To learn more about the program offerings of CBT Technology Institute, contact us today