Five Reasons Why Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure Workers could switch careers due to COVID-19 Pandemic
One of the industries most affected by this COVID-19 pandemic is the service sector. This fact has a lot to do with the measurements taken by the Federal Government and the State of Florida, prioritizing social distancing to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus through the tourism, hospitality, and leisure industries.
According to the Miami-Dade Beacon Council, the Service sector as of May of 2020 had lost 54,700 (-37.3%) job positions. By June of 2020, the Miami-Dade Beacon Council still reported a loss on job positions in this sector by 26,400 (-18.3%) jobs. Although the Coronavirus has severely affected the service industries, many other areas are creating jobs that the unemployed from the service sector can take advantage of. These industries are Allied Health (companies that provide service to those on the health industry), Construction (in the electricity and air conditioning fields, among others) and Technology.
If you are a service sector worker and lost your job due to the pandemic, these are five reasons why you should switch careers to other industries.
1.- Less uncertainty: the health, construction, and technology industries are considered essential, which means that these types of businesses are not likely to shut down even in the event of a new quarantine lockdown. The health sector will never stop working because hospitals will always be in service for the people to maintain our health. In terms of the construction sector, electricity companies will still provide all our homes with electricity. Air Conditioning workers will always work to ensure your A/C works perfectly. IT, Technology, and cybersecurity providers will still be keeping companies’ data and servers safe.
2.- Less human contact: service sector companies such as hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes, etc. are prone to expose their workers to agglomerations, even by working in less percentage of capacity. Therefore, a service worker’s risk to get infected with COVID-19 is higher than the average, since they have more human contact.
3.- Growth opportunities: while many companies in the service sector have filed for bankruptcy and closed down, leaving its workers unemployed, several health, construction, and technology companies have skyrocketed their businesses due to increased demand.
4.- Short careers: instead of investing four years in getting a degree, electricians, HVAC technicians, IT, networking/cybersecurity professionals, and medical coding and billing graduates can earn their diplomas in only eight to twelve months. In these fields, the diploma is enough to get the students started in the marketplace and apply for jobs, while they further their education in the new career they chose.
5.- You’re the priority: think about your family and yourself as a priority. We live in a crisis where many of us had to reinvent ourselves to come out of it. As long as there are bills to pay and mouths to feed, you should consider what is more important: your current career — that might have come to an end due to the pandemic — or your family’s future.
Switching careers may seem difficult and even a little bit scary. These are challenging times for everyone, but it could mean it’s time for a change. The opportunity to get a new skill might be the right move that would allow several unemployed South Floridians to continue living, maintain their lifestyle, and afford their bills. So, leap and go for it!
To learn more about our Electricity Technician, HVAC and Refrigeration, Medical Coding and Billing and IT Diplomas, please contact CBT Technology Institute today at (786) 567-3162 or fill the contact form. We can help you take the first step in your new career!