Taking responsibility for your own actions?

Time and time again, we ask ourselves why? Why, things are going as planned or going as scheduled. Well sometimes it takes you sitting down and analyzing the situation, can i take responsibility for the things happening or not in your life. Taking responsibility can be the solution to your woes.. Here is what one blogger suggests to do….

Taking Responsibility
Ginger Holczer
Adding to my last post about “getting out of the rut,” one step in accomplishing this is to take responsibility. What do you need to do to take responsibility in your life? What do you have control over? What do you have no control over? The only thing you really have any control over is your own reaction to a situation or another person. When we keep choosing not to take responsibility, it is often because it is what we learned and it worked for us at some point in our life. Usually, though, it ends up being maladaptive, and not doing the job for us anymore. So, how do we go about taking responsibility?

If you continue to have trouble, seek a mental health provider who can help you find tools that will work for you.
When you blame others, you give up your power to change. –Author Unknown