Graduating and Job Hunting

For many, the month of June marks the moment they are handed a fancy paper with a prestigious seal on it. This paper reflects the academic worthiness of the recipient. There are many congratulations, a few celebratory events, and a real sense of accomplishment. What am I referring to? Well, I am referring to graduation. Another chapter in our journey is complete. Here, we stand on the precipice of something huge: the real world!  ::Cue scary music::

So, after all the happy photographs have been snapped, all the tassels turned, and all the hats flung high in the air, we come back down to earth and realize that it’s time to get down to business. Our diploma demonstrates the completion of courses deemed necessary to mastery in our intended field, and using that knowledge we are to become productive members of society. We are out of school, possibly forever, but that doesn’t mean the education stops. In fact, it’s only just beginning.

I think it’s a widely accepted notion that once you graduate, it’s time to find a job. Otherwise, what was all that schooling for? Why take out loans and spend countless hours with our noses in the books if we aren’t going to be putting our academic training into practice? It’s time to get a job and kick start your career. Easier said than done, right? “With the job market in the shape it’s in, and a lack of experience, I’m competing for jobs with more qualified and experienced candidates.” It’s a very real possibility that you will be competing against more experienced candidates with more advanced education, but that doesn’t mean you are not the right person for it. If you prepare properly for graduation, you should be more than capable of landing the job you desire. I have compiled some tips and tricks that may help you nab that job you want after you graduate.


I truly hope these small morsels of advice will be helpful to you as you look to enter the latest stage of your life!