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Transferring Credits Policy for Veterans


Veterans Benefit – SOC Consortium Membership- ONLY


Credit by examination is awarded based upon standardized examinations and upon examinations administered by departments of the College for specific courses and for placement. Please be advised that the Federal Pell Grant does not cover credits by examination, just credits earned on the basis of regular class attendance.
Credit by examination will be granted according to the following policy:

  • If a student is an enrolled/admitted student with a 2.0 GPA, they may apply to take an examination for credit. If a student has been admitted but has not yet enrolled for courses, the student will have the credit earned by examination posted after enrollment.
  • Students may not take the same examination more than once, nor for a course in which the student has received a failing grade. Students may not take an examination for credit in a course previously taken for credit. Students may not take an examination for a lower level course in a sequence when a more advanced course within the sequence has been taken.
  • Each department will determine which of its courses may receive credit by examination, and if this will be applied towards particular requirements. The form of the examination, the method of administration, and the time of the examination are left to the discretion of College and departments.
  • To receive credit, the examination grade should be a grade that is equivalent to at least a “C.”
  • If the student passes, a grade of “E” (Credit Examination) is entered into the official records.
  • No more than 15 semester hours towards a degree may be earned by credit by examination. Each application is subject to the review and approval outlined below.
  • A fee of $200.00 per test/course will be charged. Fees must be paid prior to the examination and are non-refundable.



Conditions and Requirements

The basic policy regarding the acceptance of transfer courses is to accept credit for courses completed with satisfactory grades (c or better) from other accredited colleges, providing the courses are similar in content to the courses offered at the CBT Technology Institute.  A petition from the student to the Program Director and Director of Education must be approved to accept course work more than ten years old.

A maximum of 50 % of any program can be covered by credits transferred from another College. A grade of “T” (Transfer Course) is entered into the official records. Transfer Credits are not measured when calculating the SAP. A fee of $200 will be charged in order to review the transcripts and a fee of $150 per course transferred.

    • Only official transcripts from other colleges may be used to evaluate and/or award credit. Students must request that an official transcript from all previously attended colleges be mailed to the registrar office at their campus, Attn: Registrar, Subj: External Credit Evaluation.
    • Students will match their transfer course(s) with what they believe to be equivalent CBT course/courses, and attach a course description or syllabus for every transfer course.
    • Return your petition to the registrar at your campus. A Program Director will contact you if your assistance is required with the transfer credit evaluation process.

Please allow 1-2 weeks for the process to be completed. New students must complete the process prior to the first day of class.

CBT will grant credit toward an Associate degree for properly validated military service training. This includes military service schools, the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) end-of-course examinations, as well as acceptable College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test scores. The recommendation of the American Council on Education, a guide to the evaluation of education experiences in the armed services, is used in evaluating military service school training.
Active duty military personnel must submit DD Form 295, Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences during Military Service.
USAFI and DANTES college-level credit courses taken by correspondence, or by extension through other accredited colleges, are accepted under regular transfer credit provisions.
Official Reports of Educational Achievement must be mailed directly to the appropriate campus admissions office, from each approved organization
College credit earned through military service schools, USAFI, or DANTES college level end of course tests, will appear on the student’s permanent record as earned credit only, without any indication of quality points. Transfer credit evaluations of this work are made after the student has been admitted to the College.
Veterans must submit a true copy of the service personnel’s separation papers (DD Form 214) to the appropriate campus admissions office. Veterans who have earned credit through USAFI or DANTES should request transcripts from Educational Testing Service. Prospective students may contact: Representative for DANTES, P.O. Box 6604, Princeton, New Jersey 08541.
Up to 50% of the credits towards a program may be applied through a combination of methods.

On the recommendation of the Dean of Education, students who withdraw after the 6th week of the term because of official orders to active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States may either be awarded credit (CR) or an academic grade for any course in which they have achieved a C or better up to the time of withdrawal. Instructors must certify that the student had achieved satisfactory accomplishment on the basis of previous work in the course by awarding an appropriate grade. Accomplishment of less than C should be entered on the permanent record as a withdrawal without prejudice (W).
Credit granted for courses under this policy should count toward graduation.
There should be no refund of tuition for courses for which credit has been awarded. Refunds for courses not awarded credit should be on the same basis as complete withdrawals for military service.
The above recommendations are procedures for determining the awarding of credit and do not release the student from the usual withdrawal procedures

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