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Military Admissions FAQs

Branch-Specific Admissions Information

Get the answers you are looking for:

  1. What are the major programs in which your military-related students are enrolled? Associate Degree level in: Business Administration, HVAC Technology, Electrical Technology, Health Information Technology, & Computer Networking Administration. For more information please refer to the Academics section.
  2. Frequency of class starts: Every 2 months to accommodate the changing circumstances of military students.
  3. What are your residency requirements? CBT is open to all residents of the State of Florida. CBT does not provide housing, but we can help facilitate the search of apartments/homes in Miami-Dade & Broward County areas for our students’ convenience.
  4. Are you regionally or nationally accredited and are you a member of the Service members Opportunities Colleges? CBT Technology Institute is a candidate for accreditation with the Council on Occupational Education (COE). Yes we are a proud member of the S.O.C.
  5. What is the name of your accrediting organization(s)?CBT Technology Institute is a candidate for accreditation with the Council on Occupational Education (COE).
  6. Are you a member of the Yellow Ribbon Program? YES! CBT Technology Institute participates on the Yellow Ribbon  GI Education Enhancement Program; and we offer an optimal scholarship portfolio including Scholarships for Children of Diseased or Disable Veterans as well.
  7. Do you award credit for College Level Examination Placement and other programs? Yes, please review the following: Veterans Benefit – SOC Consortium Membership- ONLY “CREDIT BY EXAMINATION”
    • Credit by examination is awarded based upon standardized examinations and upon examinations administered by departments of the College for specific courses and for placement. Please be advised that the Federal Pell Grant does not cover credits by examination, just credits earned on the basis of regular class attendance.
    • Credit by examination will be granted according to the following policy:
    • If a student is an enrolled/admitted student with a 2.0 GPA, you may apply to take an examination for credit. If a student has been admitted but have not yet enrolled for courses, the student will have the credit earned by examination posted after enrollment.
    • Students may not take the same examination more than once, nor for a course in which the student has received a failing grade. Students may not take an examination for credit in a course previously taken for credit. Students may not take an examination for a lower level course in a sequence when a more advanced course within the sequence has been taken.
    • Each department will determine which of its courses may receive credit by examination, and if this will be applied towards particular requirements. The form of the examination, the method of administration, and the time of the examination are left to the discretion of college and departments.
    • To receive credit, the examination grade should be a grade that is equivalent at least to a “C.”
    • If the student passes, a grade of “E” (Credit Examination) is entered into the official records.
    • No more than 15 semester hours towards a degree may be earned by credit by examination. Each application is subject to the review and approval outlined below.
    • A fee of $100.00 per test/course will be charged. Fees must be paid prior to the examination and are non-refundable.
  8. Describe the support services you offer military-related students either on campus or online or both. CBT offers a variety of services designed with the student in mind. From career placement, to financial aid, to career counseling; we make sure all of our students experience the excellence and personalized attention they need as a non-traditional college student. One of these services is our “Continuing Education Support” at no cost whatsoever. This service allows our alumni to return to CBT and attend classes in order to get education updates in new technologies, software, and procedures that are determined by the ever changing business & technology industries.

What is your policy for withdrawals or extensions due to deployment or other military-related duties? CBT policy for withdrawals in the event of military deployment will allow the student to be in “withdrawn” status from the college and any funds that need to be returned will be returned in an appropriate manner. Nonetheless, the student is free to return to study once the deployment is complete.

Ready to Take Charge of Your Future?

To learn more about the program offerings of CBT Technology Institute, contact us today